
Prisma will allow you to query the database with ease using Javascript/Typescript

You can use any SQL database but I recommend Postgres.

Fell free to use any provider you like:


  1. Get your URI (a string starting with "postgres:")

  1. Paste it to your .env:

# Database URL

Prefer a Pooling URL (PORT 6543) for Serverless environnements.

If you don't have a pooling URL, fill the 2 lines with your standard URI (PORT 5432)

Database Init

Simply run these commands:

npx prisma generate
npx prisma migrate dev --skip-seed # push the schema to the database without seeds

Database Queries

Prisma greatly simplify the database queries, here's an example:

const product = await prisma.product.findUnique({
    where: {
      slug: params.slug,
    include: {
      ratings: true,
      category: true,
      collections: {
        include: {
          user: true,
          products: true,

Learn more by checking the official Prisma documentation. 📖

Last updated