
Beta or totally optional features

User Feedback

You can collect feedback with Insighto, a free & simple tool. Create your board and fill in the insighto line in metadata file.

Tailwind generated OG-Images

ogen folder is an attempt to build OG-Images with Tailwind. You can use it but don't expect too much..

  • Each non-dynamic route has an ogen file where you can build your image without restrictions (Vercel's OG generation (opengraph-image.tsx) doesn't support grid for example)

  • When you're done, access localhost:3000/ogen to visualize and generate the .jpg OG-Images (prioritized over .tsx)

  • The /ogen list option acts as background for dynamic routes OG Images: generate it and move the file to /public/og/bg.jpg

It ain't much but it's honest work

Last updated